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This Blog is a product of Sojourner Truth Middle School students under the supervision of their teachers.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Finance Park Trip

JA Finance Park with Sojourner Truth MS, East Orange- Day 2
March 8th, 2012
A total of 14 volunteers participated in JA Finance Park working with 77 students.
From JA
A very special thanks you to the volunteers who spent the day coaching these young people in managing their budgets!  The testimony below speaks volumes....
Student Feedback – Students share their favorite thing about JA Finance Park and what they learned...
“Today I learned that creating a budget is a lot of work, but if you put forth the effort you can come out on top.” –Audray, 6th grade

“What I learned today is how to find the Net Monthly Income and how to stay in my budget. Thank you for teaching me.” –Anthony, 6th grade

“I learned that things are not easy being a parent.” –Elijah, 6th grade

“What I learned at JA Finance Park was that if you do a good job on your budget, you will live the best life you had.” –Jetro, 6th grade

“The importance of coming here is to learn how to balance your budget at an early age.” –Douglas, 6th grade

“What I liked about today was getting my debit card and using the computers. This made me a better person, because I know not to ask my mom for a lot because of these bills.” –Kiyammah, 6th grade

“Something I learned was that parenting is very hard, because when I was on the Clothing Sheet, everything was expensive for me.” –Darneill, 6th grade

“What I learned today is how to budget my bills when I get older. That is important because I am going to have to do this when I have my own family.” –Ameir, 6th grade

“[I learned] how my parents struggle paying bills and I’m lucky to have a home.” –Benero, 6th grade

“What I learned is how to pay my taxes and my expenses. I learned to use my money wisely.” –Tanuel, 6th grade
 To view photos from the event please click here